The journey to reduce drag, weight, and improve efficiency has arrived again. The 2M F3RES V3 Fuse is now shipping with kits and fuse orders.
A comparison top view of the v2 vs V3. It has been narrowed to further reduce weight and drag.

Kits now come with two servo trays and the holes are cut in the pod sides for both. They are each identified as front and rear. Discard whichever you decide not to use. The push rod wires are long enough to reach the rear tray. The push rod set now comes with extra wire that can be silver soldered to extend the wires when using the forward tray. Shifting the servo weight forward will reduce the nose weight and possibly the use of a lighter battery.

The tow hook bolt/washer area is enlarged in the balsa forward half so the bolt head and washer will be countersunk. The washer will now clamp directly against the 1/16 ply tow hook reinforcement instead of the balsa for improved clamping force.

There is a new rear upper cross brace with small holes for magnets to provide a means to secure the hatch. The 1/64 ply reinforcement sides are notched to locate the hatch support. The magnets are not included.

Rear hatch support with magnets in place

The hatch now has a laser cut in the front to aid with cutting. The short piece is then glued just behind the nose block. You will notice its not flush in the center just above the nose block. This clearance allows the space for front hatch retention.

A piece of 1/64 ply is now included to secure the front hatch.